Want to know where are your visitor come from for live? If yes, You Go http://feedjit.com
Easy install to blog and without signup before, grab the code and add to your sidebar and you have a live tracking  tool for free.

Below is the example widget from feedjit.com :

Method 1: You Go http://feedjit.com/joinjs/ And choice type of widget. and click Click to Add to Blogger

Method 2:

  1. Login to blogger with your ID.
  2. At the dashboard, click Layout.
  3. Click Page Element tab.
  4. Click Add a Page Element.
  5. Click ADD TO BLOG for HTML/Javascript.
  6. Copy and then paste the following code :

    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://feedjit.com/serve/?bc=FFFFFF&amp;tc=494949&amp;brd1=336699&amp;lnk=494949&amp;hc=336699&amp;ww=160"></script><noscript><a href="http://feedjit.com/">Feedjit Live Blog Stats</a></noscript>
  7. Click SAVE CHANGES button.
  8. Done. Now you have a tool for tracking your visitor come from.

Now you have a tool to track your visitor.